Moving On, Saving Up.

Quite a different post but, as writing  my thoughts down seems to help me clear my mind and is therefore very therapeutic, I am going to talk about our life.
I have been dreading this year in some ways because:-
  1. My eldest will be 7.
  2. My baby will be 1.
  3. Apparently I have to go back to work this year. (Cue Crying)
  4. To re-new or not to re-new the contract for our house.

No 4 came first. Although our tenancy doesn't renew until 8th April, we got our contract as soon as the new year started, it needed to be signed and returned by the 13th January, whether we were staying or not. Is this normal! Is this legal? Urghh, they also wanted to put our rent up. I was panicking, thinking that Steve would get on his high horse and go completely overboard, getting into a state of stress and feeling as though he had the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, like he’s going to battle in World War 3. Last year was stressful, I had only just gone on Maternity Leave, and don’t even get me started on Universal credits, it is shocking, living  off £1 for the month! 

Anyway this year was different, he seemed relaxed, if he was panicking he hid it very well. Last year we were debating whether to move into my mum and dad’s house but we chose not to, which turned out to be the right decision, considering everything that happened with dad.

This time round though Steve asked if we could move into mums, I don't know if I had been, on the sly, planting the seed in his head, that this would be a good idea, or he thought this up alone. But I almost felt a sense of relief. This would be perfect for us. It would help us out, it would 100% help my mum out, and to be honest it would be nice to go back home and get out of town. So I asked Mum, and she replied within minutes "Of course!" Yes !!

So we had a meeting, a Chinese take away, discussed money, rent, bills, what to do with our belongings. Anyway we made our decision and we are moving to my mums. I am so excited ! I’d taken along the contract so we could sign it there and then, we posted the contract through the agency’s letterbox on our way back home and all of a sudden I felt slightly sad, our home for 2 years will be no more, it didn’t last long though as then panic started to set in, we have so much stuff. Our garage is filled with utter crap and we have stacks of baby clothes. Truth be told I have watched almost 4 episodes of Marie Kondo, 'Tidying  Up' on Netflix, just to get some ideas. We need to start moving stuff now, we have 3 months to get sorted, then there is the cleaning of the house once everything is out. Oh god, as I’m typing this now, I feel sick. I need to write a list. There is so much to do.

At the moment We are living in a house where we can barely afford the rent and bills because we just have one wage coming in. Before I went on maternity leave my wage was so good that I could have afforded 3 holidays in the Bahamas and a house with only a small mortgage to pay each month. But this is the life I chose and the life I want. I don't regret what I did, it is hard to save, especially when you have got kids. I wanted another child before I was 30, I wanted kids whilst I was still young, then I would worry about houses later. And now the time has come. Our aim is now to save and buy a house, unfortunately it has to be a new build as they are the ones that carry all the government grants etc for first time buyers even though I would have preferred an established property. 

And, contrary to item 3, because I have no plans to go back to work yet, this is will still suit us perfectly as, hopefully, Steve won’t be  worrying about money so much. He has been keeping us in this house for the last year and for that I thank him and, although we have argued about appreciating each other, (even though I say thank you every time for keeping us in the house) I am so grateful for how hard he has worked, so  I can stay at home and be the mum I have always wanted to be to our boys. Steve will probably never read this as he never reads my blogs so I could delete this bit really. Nah, I will leave it.

So this is, basically, me saying I am moving back in with my mum!!! I love my mum, she is literally like my best friend, I tell her everything, I message her everyday, her opinion, out of anyone, matters the most to me. There are extra rooms so Steve and I  can still have our own time to watch Netflix, and the dark murder, stalker, series that they show these days. I am happy, we are happy. And little big man is so excited to move in with his grandma, he told me the other day he is going to look after her. 

Hopefully in 12 months time we will have saved enough money towards a good deposit on a house. Positive vibes coming through, this is exciting!

Wish Us Luck

Love Me x


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